your child’s first language educator

Kallpachay prepares parents, relatives, and nannies with the skills and confidence to become a child’s first language teacher. Our immersion method empowers caregivers through on-the-job training and off-site meetings. Our services are customized to match each family’s schedules and goals.

Our training and certification program:

  • Recognizes infancy and early childhood as the most effective time to teach a second language
  • Give parents certainty of their caregiver’s strengths to teach a second language
  • Optimizes the time your child spends with your Spanish speaking caregiver

In our training program caregivers learn how to:

  • Optimize their effectiveness as a language teacher
  • Reach each of the essential language milestones

who benefits?

  • Parents for whom Spanish language acquisition through immersion is a priority and goal for their child.
  • Parents that want certainty that their goals for Spanish acquisition will be realized through the caregiver/child relationship.
  • Parents that are in the process of hiring or have hired a Spanish-speaking caregiver for their infant.
  • Parents that value second language education and want to learn and grow while supporting their caregiver.

how to get started!

We understand the importance of laying the groundwork for language education early on, and our consulting services ensure that your goals are effectively communicated and integrated into your caregiving approach from the outset.

Getting started is as simple as scheduling a free evaluation meeting. We understand that each caregiver situation is unique, which is why our approach is tailored to fit your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prefer in-home visits or online coaching, we have a solution to ensure your child's earliest language acquisition years are supported effectively.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a holistic caregiving plan that prioritizes language education for your child's future success!

our pillars

Discover the unique elements that distinguish us from others. Our core principles enrich all our programs with an invaluable gift that extends beyond mere language learning. We nurture a profound respect for diverse cultures and unlock boundless opportunities.

Use any of the above buttons to learn more about how we apply our four pillars to kids online after school Spanish immersion!

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